Today, during our first full day of Olympic Odyssey 2011, we visited the world famous, Wembley Stadium. To start the day, we ate breakfast at a delicious cafe with Professor Ryan. After breakfast we took our first trip on the tube to Wembley Park. Upon arrival Professor Pat Ryan and Stephanie Speranza defeated myself and Drew Altavilla in an intense game game of foosball. After foosball, we went on a tour of the stadium, visiting the press conference room, visitors locker room, and royal suite among many other areas. During the tour we witnessed the preparations going on for the UEFA Champions League final, also known "The Superbowl of Soccer." The game takes place on Saturday, May 28th between FC Barcelona and Manchester United. During the tour we were shown a video, explaining the history of the stadium. The newest version was built in 2007 on top of the former stadium that was built in 1923. It is the 2nd largest stadium in Europe, and can hold approximately 90,000 people. After the tour of Wembley stadium, the group took the tube to Ithaca College in London, to attend a conference on Law, Policy, and the Olympic Movement, where Professor Pat Ryan gave a stellar presentation on the "Side Show Olympics". Some of the other speeches included presentations on "Comparative analysis between sports regulations and Italian Criminal Law at the 2006 Olympics" and "Reflection on Rule 42 of the Olympic Charter." Overall, the presentations were very interesting and informative. It has been a great start to Olympic Odyssey 2011!
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