We will explore the history of the ancient and modern Olympic Games and their influence on modern sport through first hand exploration of Olympics sites. The students will visit major venues of past and present Olympic activities. London, Paris, Lausanne, Athens and Olympia the ancient home of the Greek Olympics.
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Last Day of the Trip
Final "Real" Day of the Trip
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
A Hot Day in Athens
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
First day in Athens
There will be an epic video added later by Professor Ryan of the true victor.
After the race, we had time to walk around Olympia before getting on the bus to Athens. Robert, our tour guide, showed us the rest of the "pre interesting" and "post interesting" monuments of Olympia like Phillip II, the father of Alexander the Great. We spent about a half hour in Olympia and then were off to Athens. The bus ride took about 5 hours with a stop in between for lunch. Everyone slept the whole ride this time, which made it much quieter and relaxing. In no time we were in Athens checking into our hotel. We relaxed for about 2 hours then went for a walk to get our bearings straight. We first walked to the Zappeion building built for the Zappa's Olympics in the late 1800s. Then we visited the Panathenaic Stadium built in 1896 for the first modern Olympics; which was reconstructed and marbled in 2004 and is now being used for the Special Olympics in 2011. We couldn't get any closer to the stadium than outside the gates but it looked amazing from what I could see. After getting pictures of that, we walked around the area and stopped to watch a tennis match between four younger looking Greek boys. They were impressive players and had us all clapping for them like it was the French Open. Everyone enjoyed watching their match but soon enough we got hungry and went in search of a restaurant. We had dinner at a nice Greek restaurant and topped it off with a scoop of Gelato afterwards. We walked around for a bit, shopped at a couple of the stores until it got late, and then went back to the hotel to call it a night. I'd have to say it was a good start to the last destination of our trip.
Monday, May 30, 2011
Travel Day From Hell
May 29th was a day that most of us were not looking forward to for a while. Today was known as the “travel day from hell”. The morning started off normally waking up and going to get breakfast in the hotel, which was pretty standard. Then we got onto a bus at 9:20 a.m. from the hotel in Switzerland and enjoyed a half hour bus ride to the Geneva airport for a flight that left at 1:00 p.m. to Munich. We got to the airport and checked our bags, which was a pain. Some people’s bags were a little bit too heavy and depending on who was checking you in this became a problem. My bag weighted in at 23 kg, which is 3 over what they allow, by the guy at the counter said he would let it slide. Someone else’s bag weighted in at 22 kg and the person behind the desk made them take out 2 kg worth of things to have the bag make weight.
Once all that was worked out we went though security and had some time to relax. This was a great time for me to finally finish a book that I have been reading for a while now. I wont go into detail about the book but I will just say Tucker Max wrote it and if you don’t know who that is then that is probably a good thing. Then we got on the plane and flew to Munich. Once in Munich we only had a half hour to switch planes good thing that gate that we needed was pretty much right next to the one that we came into. Then we got on the flight from Munich to Athens which was not too long nor was it too bad and I still didn’t understand why this was the travel day from hell yet. Then once we got into Athens I understood why. We had to take an over 4-hour bus ride from Athens to Olympia. We have been traveling all day the last thing I want to do is sit on a bus for over 4 hours. The ride was long but we finally made it to Olympia at 12:30 a.m. After this day I can understand why it is considered the travel day from hell and I am so happy we don’t have to do anything like that again because it sucked.
Friday in Lausanne
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Lausanne's FREE DAY!!
Everyone got to sleep in today until whenever they pleased because we all had a free day in Lausanne. After getting a good night's sleep, a lot of us branched off and did our own thing. Higger and Alvaro went with Professor Ryan and Burton to Vevey and Montros, two small towns about 20 minutes outside of where we are staying. They said they had a good time walking around checking out the place and relaxing in the sun. Their day sounded like a success.
Another group of us got up around 11 and went out to breakfast at a delicious ice cream and waffle stand right by the edge of the water. I couldn't tell you how delightful my cinnamon and vanilla ice cream waffle was; easily the best breakfast I've had on this trip hands down. After the orgasmic waffles, the guys "little"Matt, Steve, Jake, Drew, Chad, and I played each other in a real life chess match.
A game was set up with humongous chess pieces for the public to play in the little square by the water. Matt and I won with minor help from the peanut gallery, Chad. Drew and Jake gave us a run for our money, well Chad's money that is because he bet on the outlook of the game. But no money was lost because the bet was placed on the best team, Matt and I. Hahaha no hard feelings boys.
After chess, our group met up with the rest of the guys right before they were about to go paddle boating. We tagged along and spent a few hours out on Lake Geneva just paddling and swimming in the crystal clear Swiss water. The water was so nice, a little cold but still refreshing. I didn't want to get out but our hour time slot was up so we headed back to land to enjoy the rest of our evening.
Sam, "big" Matt, Davis, Boepple and I spent a good hour and a half outside enjoying the sunlight before the Barcelona and Manchester United game. We plan to watch it all together at our favorite spot, The White Horse, a pub right beside our hotel. But that isn't until another hour. Right now we are just relaxing and catching up on our journals and homework. And Sam just shockingly mooned a wedding bus from our hotel window. These guys are hilarious and a good group of boys to travel with. I've been having the time of my life with them. I don't know what the night has in store for us, but I know our last night in Lausanne will be one to remember.
Bon soir tout le monde!
Tomorrow we'll be in Greece.
Friday, May 27, 2011
Friday May 27, 2011
First Day in Lausanne
Thursday, May 26, 2011
IOC Visit Day

Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Wake up in Paris, spend the day in Switzerland
I knew waking up early would be a challenge today because of the 6:30 starting time but the late night we had last night was completely unexpected made that starting time so much more difficult to make, which some of us actually didn’t. We boarded the train half asleep and the next thing I knew, I was walking along the beautiful lake Geneva, which is surrounded by the towering Swiss Alps, to our hotel. There we did a roommate selection draft and apparently I was a lottery pick as Boepple took me with the second overall pick behind Higger, the obvious number one pick. Sam was disappointed that he couldn’t pick me but sometimes you got to trade up to get a playa like me. Brett then made a surprising choice in drafting Samost, which disappointed Jake and Steve who both had him high on their big board.
We took some time to settle in, which included a lakeside meal and exploring the area on this perfect day before spending a couple of hours at the Laundry place. On the way back to the hotel we ran into the town drunks who were mumbling jokes I couldn’t understand at all outside the market. Now I am just sitting here writing this journal and enjoying my view from the hotel room, which is what the photo is from. I am looking forward to the group meeting tonight and maybe a little bit of happy hour action after, but nothing too wild because of the important IOC meeting tomorrow.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Arch of Triumph and Eiffel Tower experience
US of Awesome showed up at the French Open
Tuesday was once again an early start that began with a quick tour of the famous Triumph Arch and the Eiffel Tower. We all seemed very tired and cold at the arch but by the time we made it to the Eiffel Tower people seemed to have woken up a bit and jokes were being cracked as usual including a Professor Ryan classic. Salesperson: “5 key chains for one euro,” P Ryan: “O yeah I’m very interested… NOT!” After a little wondering around and some pictures we took the metro to the area where Rolland Gardens is, which is the stadium that hosts the French Open each year. Eric, Jake, Stephanie, and I all managed to get our hands on some tickets for a day of first round matchups. I’m not sure what the rest of the group did, (they may wondered around for a while doing nothing), but us four had a full seven hour day at the event.
I had a great time and I believe the other three did as well. Highlights of the day included watching an American, Sam Quarry, defeat a German which is always fun. Other matchups I saw were victories from the fourth and fifth ranked players in the world Andy Murray and Robin Soderling. Americans performed extremely well today as underdogs such as Harrison and Isner almost made huge upsets when they were supposed to be blown out. We also saw some hot French girl throw away her lead in the end to a Japanese player; we were all very disappointed by that result. I may go to the Tower again tonight to see it all lit up but think I am going to take it easy tonight because of the early morning tomorrow. Anyway, besides the pricy food and the sunburns that we all got, it was a great day overall. The picture is from the French Open just to get a feel of the type of courts we went around to, it is one of the many outdoor courts.
Monday, May 23, 2011
First day in Paris
We woke up to a beautiful morning for our first full day in Paris. We had breakfast as a group in the hotel and it was really nice that we didn’t have to pay for breakfast like we had to every day in London. After breakfast we got onto the train and went to a bakery that we saw the day before that looked really good and we wanted to try. It was right in Saint Michel Square where we were walking around the night before. After we got our bakery fix we started walking to where the first modern Olympics were planned. Pierre de Coubertin invited all of the leaders from around the world to come to Paris to talk about how to universalize sports because around this time was when sport was starting to become very popular throughout the world but each country had their own rules. People in the United States were not playing sports by the same rules that the Germans or the French were and Pierre de Coubertin wanted to change that and also wanted to start the Olympics. All of the leaders met at Sorbnne at the University of Paris develop what we recognize as the modern day Olympics.
From there we walked to a park, which in the middle sat the Queen’s summerhouse at Luxembourg. This building was so amazing it was so vast and it was surrounded by a huge garden and a park where there were people sitting outside and enjoying the weather. From there we walked past the apartments where F. Scott Fitzgerald wrote the Great Gatsby. It was really cool to see because I don’t like many books but that was one that I did really enjoy.
From there we walked to the Saint Sulpice church that was in the Da Vinci Code. The design of it was so nice and there were sculptures all over the building and it was full of stained glass. Then we went over to the Louvre. I always just thought that the Louvre was the little triangle and that was it but I was quite mistaken. It was huge and there was so much to see. The Mona Lisa was very disappointing because it is very small and I personally don’t understand what makes it better then other pieces of artwork that are there. I feel like the statures and the sculptures that are there are more impressive then any of the painting. From there the group broke up and some people went one direction in the Louvre and one went the other way. The group I was with was there for a good two hours until we were all done looking at art. Then the group I was with just started walking and we ended up near the Arc De Triomphe. From there we got on a train and headed back to our hotel where I am now currently sitting her writing this. We will go out to dinner later and see where the night takes us.
Monday 5/23 Prof Ryan
British Museum... Olympic Park... and Hackney PResentation
...with Paul Deighton, CEO LOCOG, London 2012
SPM at Tower Bridge...
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Welcome to Paris
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Final Day in London
Friday, May 20, 2011
day 4: LOCOG and Tower of London
Day 4 5/20
Thursday, May 19, 2011
day 3 recap
Today was my favorite day of the trip so far. After breakfast, we went to the British Museum. At the museum, we walked around through the Ancient Greek section and some of us even went to the Mummy exhibit.
Thursday Blog Post
Wembley Park...
Look for the Duck..!
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
First Day in London.
First blog and I don’t know what to write about. We are supposed to write a play by play of what we did today, but for that you can read Eric’s blog post below. But for things besides the trip, we have all enjoyed London, we have only been here for a complete day but everybody has loved the daily life of the Brits. Things we’ve noticed is that, it’s very noticeable we are tourists. Everybody here dresses up very nice, suits and ties, and in one case using an umbrella as a cane. We’ve also noticed we are really loud compared to the Brits, because as soon as we get into the “tube” everybody just stares at us and everybody is quiet. I know it’s a short post, but my previous writing professors will agree with me, I am not the best writer there is.
Wembley Stadium

Friday, May 13, 2011
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Summer can't come fast enough!!
Finals are almost over and all that's on my mind is Olympic Odyssey. I can't wait to officially meet everyone in the group and travel Europe with each other. It is going to be so much fun :p
I have never been to London before and that is our first stop. I want to run into those guards that stand there like a statue and are told to never move. Whoever wants to stand next to them for hours and try get them to talk can come with me hahahaha. I'm determined to break them and make them smile!!
This trip is going to be so much fun, I'm really into sports and the Olympics and can't wait to learn about all the historical landmarks we are going to see. I'm debating on bringing a football to just go outside in a park and throw sometime, but maybe a baseball because I wont have room in my bag to fit a football. So if any of you boys have room in your bags, bring some type of frisbee or football. I love to play sports! :)
Well I know this trip is going to be a blast, so lets speed up these clocks to the 16th!
Olympic Odyssey needs to come now!!